Developer Portal

Payment cancellation service

This API allows a transaction to be cancelled or deleted. Cancel or delete depends on the status of the payment.

This API will support the following payment services and products:
Payment services:

  • payments
    Payment products
    • sepa-credit-transfers
    • cross-border-credit-transfers
  • bulk-payments
    Payment products
    • pain.001-sepa-credit-transfers

NOTE: To use these APIs a valid TLS certificate is required. Also note that bulk payments for direct debits do not support cancellation.

The following methods are supported:


Whether a payment or bulk payment can be deleted or cancelled depends on its status, refer to the table below for the possibilities per status. Information about payment or bulk payment status retrieval can be found on the payment initiation documentation page.

Status Description Can delete Can cancel Can create cancellation authorisation
PDNGPending: payment or bulk payment has been created but not yet saved or confirmedNoNoNo
RCVDReceived: payment or bulk payment has been created and saved, but not yet confirmed (this status is only possible if a confirmation on a payment initiation or cancellation has been withdrawn in the Webfront application)YesNoNo
PATCPartially accepted, technically correct: payment or bulk payment has been created, saved and confirmed. But needs another confirmationNoNoNo
ACTCAccepted, technically correct: payment or bulk payment is confirmedNoYesNo
ACWCAccepted, with change: Same as ACTC but changes have been made to the payment or bulk payment (for example date has been changed while confirming)NoYesNo
CANCCancelled: payment or bulk payment has been cancelled.NoNoNo
RJCTRejected: payment or bulk payment has been rejected.NoNoNo
PCANPending cancellation: payment or bulk payment is in cancellation but has not yet been (fully) confirmed.NoNoYes


To delete or cancel a payment initiation, the DELETE endpoint can be called with an access token and with PSU involvement (using PSU-IP-Address indicator).


Header Example Description
DateFri, 09 Apr 2021 15:11:46 GMTThe date of the request.
X-Request-ID2ca1b6b4-82b3-4fe3-a7ea-9ccae9700329An identifier chosen by the TPP to identify the request. This id is passed back in the X-Request-ID header of the response
AuthorizationBearer ACCESS_TOKENReplace ACCESS_TOKEN with the access token obtained from the original payment initiation request.
DigestSHA-256=spt...rrIDigest of the body
SignaturekeyId=\"SN=...Yiow==\The signature of the request, see Signature setup
TPP-Signature-Certificate-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MII...UjY=-----END CERTIFICATE-----The certificate used to sign the request.
PSU-IP-Address10.0.0.1The IP-address of the PSU initiating the request.

Perform request


or for cross-border payments

or for bulk payments
Replace PAYMENT_ID with the id of a payment or bulk payment, for example: 2ca1b6b4-82b3-4fe3-a7ea-9ccae9700329

If the call was successful, a 200 or 202 status is returned. Response body is empty.

Status code Description
200 Ok The payment or bulk payment has been deleted, no further action required or possible.
202 Accepted The payment or bulk payment has been cancelled. However, the cancellation needs confirmation. The number of confirmations needed depends on the customer and may depend on the amount of the payment or bulk payment. Please refer to the test data table above.
Note: If a payment or bulk payment does not have sufficient confirmations on the processing date, the original payment or bulk payment will still be processed.

For other possible return codes, see the API DOCUMENTATION page.

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Save / confirm cancellation

After a payment or bulk payments cancellation has been initiated by calling the DELETE payment initiation endpoint which resulted in a statuscode of 202, it has to be created and confirmed. To do so, the following actions have to be taken:

  • Redirect to OAuth2.0 endpoint
  • Review cancellation
  • Save and confirm

Redirect to OAuth2.0 endpoint

To create an OAuth2.0 redirect URL, please refer to the Oauth2.0 page.

When creating an OAuth2.0 redirect for payment or bulk payment cancellation confirmation, a scope is required. This scope should look like: "PIS:[paymentinitiation-id]". Where paymentinitiation-id is the id of the payment initiation for which the DELETE payment initiation endpoint was called. For example: "PIS:dea36cf3-63fa-48b3-b203-2136f5453751".

Review cancellation

After navigating to the OAuth2.0 redirect URL. A confirmation details page will be displayed. Before details are shown, the user has to be known. To identify the user, a form will be displayed to submit the username who will be initiating the confirmation. A username can also be supplied using the username querystring parameter. If the username is valid, the payment initiation cancellation details will be displayed.

Confirm cancellation

If the user has sufficient authorisation to cancel the payment or bulk payment, the payment or bulk payment cancellation can be confirmed. Click "Confirm" to confirm the cancellation. Click "Back" to return to redirect_url without confirming. No access code will be returned.


After a cancellation has been confirmed, the user is redirected back to the redirect_uri that has been passed on the query string. This redirect_uri will contain an additional query string parameter "code". This code can be used to obtain an access token. With this access token, data regarding this payment initiation can be retrieved.

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Retrieve authorisations

To retrieve authorisations (confirmations) of a payment or bulk payment, a payment-id as well as an access_token is required, please see previous steps for directions on how to obtain those.


Header Example Description
DateFri, 09 Apr 2021 15:11:46 GMTThe date of the request.
X-Request-ID2ca1b6b4-82b3-4fe3-a7ea-9ccae9700329An identifier chosen by the TPP to identify the request. This id is passed back in the X-Request-ID header of the response
AuthorizationBearer ACCESS_TOKENReplace ACCESS_TOKEN with the access token obtained in a previous step.
DigestSHA-256=spt...rrIDigest of the body
SignaturekeyId=\"SN=...Yiow==\The signature of the request, see Signature setup
TPP-Signature-Certificate-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MII...UjY=-----END CERTIFICATE-----The certificate used to sign the request.

Perform request


or for cross-border payments

or for bulk payments
Replace PAYMENT_ID with the id of a payment, for example: 2ca1b6b4-82b3-4fe3-a7ea-9ccae9700329
Method GET

If the call was successful, a 200 status is returned along with the response body. See below an example of a response.

	"authorisationIds": [

Store an authorisation-id somewhere, as it is required for the next step.

For other possible return codes, see the API DOCUMENTATION page.

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Retrieve authorisation details

To retrieve the details of an authorisation (confirmation) of a payment or bulk payment, a payment-id, access_token and an authorisation-id is required, please see previous steps for directions on how to obtain those.


Header Example Description
DateFri, 09 Apr 2021 15:11:46 GMTThe date of the request.
X-Request-ID2ca1b6b4-82b3-4fe3-a7ea-9ccae9700329An identifier chosen by the TPP to identify the request. This id is passed back in the X-Request-ID header of the response
AuthorizationBearer ACCESS_TOKENReplace ACCESS_TOKEN with the access token obtained in a previous step.
DigestSHA-256=spt...rrIDigest of the body
SignaturekeyId=\"SN=...Yiow==\The signature of the request, see Signature setup
TPP-Signature-Certificate-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MII...UjY=-----END CERTIFICATE-----The certificate used to sign the request.

Perform request


or for cross-border payments

or for bulk payments
Replace PAYMENT_ID with the id of a payment or bulk payment, for example: 2ca1b6b4-82b3-4fe3-a7ea-9ccae9700329. Also replace AUTHORISATION_ID for the id of the authorisation (confirmation), for example: fb74e2f0-6807-4c2a-8662-8d519d87e0a4
Method GET

If the call was successful, a 200 status is returned along with the response body. See below an example of a response.

	"scaStatus": "finalised"

For other possible return codes, see the API DOCUMENTATION page.

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